In this view you can see the tee connection in the floor. The connection pointing to the right will go over to the toilet. The connection pointing up will be the vent stack that will run up into the attic and through the roof.
Remember this view? Well now there is a pipe coming down from above!
My helper for the evening. "Hand me that screwdriver"
Looking up, one of the ceiling joists removed, 1 more to go. Just have to cut the power and pull the wire out that runs through it. Its all the old cloth covered wiring that I will all be replacing anyway.
how many hours a day, on average do you work on your house??? do you listen to "especially in michigan" by red hot chilli peppers whilst your working on it??
Not enough hours! I need to spend some more time at it so I can get something interesting done and stop showing pictures of plumbing in walls. Last night was about an hour and a half worth. No, but I do listen to them while at work.
that little helper you have,,, he is pretty darn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm what are all those circles in this picture?? dust?
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